
Simple Linear Loops: Algebraic Invariants and Applications

Automatic generation of loop invariants is a fundamental challenge in software verification. While this task is undecidable in general, it is decidable for certain restricted classes of programs. This work focuses on invariant generation for (branching-free) loops with a single linear update. Our primary contribution is a polynomial-space algorithm that computes the strongest algebraic invariant for simple linear loops, generating all polynomial equations that hold among program variables across all reachable states. The key to achieving our complexity bounds lies in mitigating the blowup associated with variable elimination and Gröbner basis computation, as seen in prior works. Our procedure runs in polynomial time when the number of program variables is fixed. We examine various applications of our results on invariant generation, focusing on invariant verification and loop synthesis. The invariant verification problem investigates whether a polynomial ideal defining an algebraic set serves as an invariant for a given linear loop. We show that this problem is coNP-complete and lies in PSPACE when the input ideal is given in dense or sparse representations, respectively. In the context of loop synthesis, we aim to construct a loop with an infinite set of reachable states that upholds a specified algebraic property as an invariant. The strong synthesis variant of this problem requires the construction of loops for which the given property is the strongest invariant. In terms of hardness, synthesising loops over integers (or rationals) is as hard as Hilbert’s Tenth problem (or its analogue over the rationals). When loop constants are constrained to bit-bounded rational numbers, we demonstrate that loop synthesis and its strong variant are both decidable in PSPACE, and in NP when the number of program variables is fixed.

Determination Problems for Orbit Closures and Matrix Groups

Computational problems concerning the orbit of a point under the action of a matrix group occur in numerous subfields of computer science, including complexity theory, program analysis, quantum computation, and automata theory. In many cases the focus extends beyond orbits proper to orbit closures under a suitable topology. Typically one starts from a group and several points and asks questions about the orbit closure of the points under the action of the group, e.g., whether two given orbit closures intersect.

In this paper we consider a collection of what we call determination problems concerning groups and orbit closures. These problems begin with a given variety and seek to understand whether and how it arises either as an algebraic group or as an orbit closure. The how question asks whether the underlying group is $s$-generated, meaning it is topologically generated by $s$ matrices for a given number $s$. Among other applications, problems of this type have recently been studied in the context of synthesising loops subject to certain specified invariants on program variables. Our main result is a polynomial-space procedure that inputs a variety $V$ and a number $s$ and determines whether $V$ arises as an orbit closure of a point under an $s$-generated commutative matrix group. The main tools in our approach are rooted in structural properties of commutative algebraic matrix groups and lattice theory. We leave open the question of determining whether a variety is an orbit closure of a point under an algebraic matrix group (without the requirement of commutativity). In this regard, we note that a recent paper by Nosan et al. gives an elementary procedure to compute the orbit closure of a point under finitely many matrices.

From Polynomial Invariants to Linear Loops

Loop invariants are software properties that hold before and after every iteration of a loop. As such, invariants provide inductive arguments that are key in automating the verification of program loops. The problem of generating loop invariants; in particular, invariants described by polynomial relations (so called polynomial invariants), is therefore one of the hardest problems in software verification. In this paper we advocate an alternative solution to invariant generation. Rather than inferring invariants from loops, we synthesise loops from invariants. As such, we generate loops that satisfy a given set of polynomials; in other words, our synthesised loops are correct by construction. Our work turns the problem of loop synthesis into a symbolic computation challenge. We employ techniques from algebraic geometry to synthesise loops whose polynomial invariants are described by pure difference binomials. We show that such complex polynomial invariants need ``only’’ linear loops, opening up new venues in program optimisation. We prove the existence of non-trivial loops with linear updates for polynomial invariants generated by pure difference binomials. Importantly, we introduce an algorithmic approach that constructs linear loops from such polynomial invariants, by generating linear recurrence sequences that have specified algebraic relations among their terms.

On Inequality Decision Problems for Low-Order Holonomic Sequences

An infinite sequence $\langle u_n \rangle$ of real numbers is holonomic if it satisfies a linear recurrence relation with polynomial coefficients: $g_{k+1}(n)u_{n+k} = g_k(n)u_{n+k-1} + \cdots + g_1(n)u_n$ where each coefficient $g_0, \ldots, g_k \in \mathbb{Q}[n]$. Here $k$ is the order of the sequence; order-1 holonomic sequences are also known as hypergeometric sequences. The degree of the sequence is the highest degree of the polynomial coefficients appearing in the recurrence relation. A holonomic sequence $\langle u_n \rangle$ is said to be positive if each $u_n \geq 0$, and minimal if, given any other linearly independent sequence $\langle v_n \rangle$ satisfying the same recurrence relation, the ratio $u_n/v_n$ converges to $0$. Given two hypergeometric sequences $\langle u_n \rangle$ and $\langle v_n \rangle$, the Hypergeometric Inequality Problem asks whether, for all $n$, $u_n \leq v_n$. In this paper, we focus on various decision problems for second-order and hypergeometric sequences, and in particular on effective reductions concerning such problems. Some of these reductions also involve certain numerical quantities (known as periods, exponential periods, and pseudoperiods, originating from algebraic geometry and number theory), and classical decision problems regarding equalities among these quantities. We establish the following:

  • For second-order holonomic sequences, the Positivity Problem reduces to the Minimality Problem.
  • For second-order, degree-1 holonomic sequences, the Positivity and Minimality Problems both reduce to the Equality Problems for exponential periods and pseudoperiods.
  • The Hypergeometric Inequality Problem reduces to the Pseudoperiod Equality Problem.